You must be hearing about the mobile story in CF11, well yes, that is Huge. And if you haven't tried it yet, you are definitely missing a lot. Go on, try it but wait, don't you need a getting started tutorial. I bet you don't, only if you know that ColdFusion is providing templates for mobile project. Yes, you heard me right, templates. Isn't that great, you will get pre-baked code for your application. If you know what kind of application you want to create, just chose a template and wow! your application structure is ready. Alright, so now if you are interested enough to see how this works just read along otherwise still read along, I am sure you will feel like using it.
First thing first, this template feature is available in CFBuilder and being said that let me make you aware of the importance of CFBuilder3 with ColdFusion11. With CFB3 you will feel the actual power of mobile in CF11. Why is that? because with CFBuilder you can start right from scratch, use templates to create a mobile project, use builder's code assist to help you with new mobile functions, create a packaged application for iOS/Android, download it and install, DEBUG it from you device, inspect it with WEINRE and so much...
Now coming to the template feature, here are the steps you need to perform before you can try it.